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[v4.49] Creating external jobs

Job creation in MOXIS is done as described in [v4.49] Creating jobs. The iteration is set as external if the first contact added is an external person (see figure 1).

Figure 1: Enter the names of external recipients 

The name and e-mail address, along with the phone number of the contacts, can be recorded and saved if they are not already saved in the address book.

Depending on the process configuration, the specification of the phone number is either optional or mandatory (*).

With respect to the signature quality, level 1 Approval is not available for external signers.

The following signature qualities are available at the external level (see figure 2):

  • Level 2: Simple Signature/Advanced SignatureIf the process is configured in such a way that external signers have to authenticate themselves by means of an SMS TAN or a password, the Simple Signature becomes the Advanced Signature (see [v4.49] Advanced signature for external contacts)This also applies when the recording of biometric data is specified for the process.

  • Level 3: Qualified Signature

Figure 2: External signatures

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