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GDPR (DSGVO) information


Here you can request information under the GDPR for signatories or users in your instance.

Step-by-step guide: Creating a GDPR (DSGVO) access request in the MOXIS Business Cloud

Step 1: Open the GDPR (DSGVO) access request tab in the MOXIS Business Cloud administration area.

Figure 1 shows an overview of the GDPR area of the admin interface.


Figure 1: This is where you can obtain information on the GDPR for your customers.

Step 2: Create the GDPR (DSGVO) access request for a specific person

Please enter the email address of the person for whom you would like to create a GDPR access request (see figure 2 [1]) and click on the download icon (see figure 2 [2]).


Figure 2: Creating the GDPR information

Step 3: Save the GDPR (DSGVO) consent

The GDPR consent contains a list of the data stored by this user (see figure 3 [1]). This includes:

  • First and last name

  • Email

  • Telephone number

  • Language


Figure 3: GDPR (DSGVO) information

The file can be opened in a suitable program (e.g. Notepad) and stored in a GDPR-compliant environment or passed on to the user in compliance with the GDPR.

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