[v4.50] Reject documents
Orders can be signed, but you also have the right to reject them. If this is the case after checking an order, please follow the instructions in this article.
1. Reject documents
It is very easy to reject a document. Please access the order overview under the menu item Orders. You can reject an order in the detailed view of an order by clicking on Deny (see figure 1 [1]).

Figure 1: Deny jobs in the detail view
1.1. Entering a reason for rejection (rejection comment)
Depending on the process configuration set by the administrator, the entry of a reason for rejection may be optional or mandatory. If it is mandatory, you have two options:
Entering a reason for rejection directly in the field provided.
Positioning one or more reasons for rejection in a document.
1.1.1. Reason for rejection in the field provided for this purpose
To enter the reason for rejection in the field provided, please open the Rejection tab (see figure 2 [1]) in the detailed view of the order. Then enter a reason for your rejection in the rejection justification field (see figure 2 [2]).
Please note: The order cannot be completed if you do not specify a reason. As soon as you have entered a reason, you can reject the rejection by clicking on the [Deny]-button (see figure 2 [3]).

Figure 2: Rejection of an order via the [Refusal]-button in the detailed view of MOXIS
The order is finally given the status denied (see figure 3 [1]). It also appears in the order overview under received jobs - closed and is displayed in red. You can also find out the reason for rejection in the details by clicking on the red bubble (see figure 3 [2]) next to the signature details:

Figure 3: Denied jobs in MOXIS 4.50
1.1.2. Step-by-step guide: positioning multiple reasons for refusal (refusal comments)
Step 1: To insert multiple reasons for rejection into a document, please open the Reason for rejection tab (see figure 4 [1]) in the detailed view of the order. Then click on the red comment icon (see figure 4 [2]).

Figure 4: Adding one or more rejection comments to a document
Step 1a: The text next to the red comment icon changes to Stop Attaching Comment (see figure 5). (Actually, you just have to click the icon a second time if you want to stop adding comments.)

Figure 5: Stop adding comments by clicking on the red comment icon again
Step 2: To add the comment, navigate to the desired location in the document and highlight the place you would like to comment on. A dialogue box will open (see figure 6). Please note: You can change the colour of the comment box border using the coloured tiles. To cancel the process, please click the [Abort]-button.
Figure 6: Adding a comment to a document
Step 3: Enter your comment and then click on the [Add Comment]-button. A point in the document has now been marked. You now have the option of editing or deleting this comment using the various buttons offered (see figure 7) or adding another comment at the same point.

Figure 7: Stored comment field in MOXIS with various editing options
Step 4: The Reason for rejection field has been automatically filled with the text [Review comments on document] (see figure 8). You are free to customise this text. However, it must be filled in, as MOXIS checks the field. To complete the process, please click on the [Deny]-button (see figure 8).

Figure 8: Review refusal comments on the document and deny it
1.2. Viewing refusal comments
To view a rejection comment, simply navigate to the colour-coded locations in the document text in the detailed view (see figure 9 [1]). These correspond to the colour assigned to the comment. The location itself is where the comment was placed. If you move the mouse over it, you will see both, the user who set the comment and the rejection comment itself. (see figure 9 [2]).

Figure 9: View refusal comments in MOXIS detail view