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[v4.49] Assignment of integrated form fields

In MOXIS you can edit PDF files with integrated form fields. To do so, upload the PDF to the system.

The person creating a job can also already fill in the form fields of the document himself/herself. As a result, these form fields are not editable by other people in the iterations and the value entered is retained throughout the process (see figure 1).

Figure 1: Form fields – iterations 

By holding and dragging the user field onto a form field, you can specify that this field may only be filled in by this person (see figure 2).

Figure 2: Form fields – holding and dragging 

In case you want to change the assignment of a form field, simply drag the user field of the relevant user to the respective form field which overwrites the previous assignment.

If you want to remove a field assignment, you can do this by clicking the white X of the corresponding form field (see figure 3).

Figure 3: Remove field assignment 

Before sending the job, MOXIS informs you if no iteration has been added or if the placeholders have not yet been placed. To start the job, at least one iteration is mandatory. Placeholders must be inserted if Visualization has been selected regarding the Visualization type (see [v4.49] Set signature position). To send the job, however, it is not necessary that all form fields have been assigned (see figure 4).

Figure 4: Mouse over – Send job 

After sending the document, the person defined as the recipient in the respective iteration can only edit the form fields previously defined for him/her (see figure 5).

Figure 5: Form fields in the first iteration

The example in figure 5 shows that only the form fields highlighted in green can be edited by the respective recipient in this iteration. The other form fields cannot be selected or modified. Figure 6 shows how the same job is presented to the recipient in the second iteration.

Figure 6: Form fields - second iteration

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