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[v4.49] Reusing jobs already created

The details of a job already created can be reused for a new job without having to create a template first. To reuse existing job details, navigate to the desired job in your folder and open the detail view (see figure 1).

Figure 1: Reuse job details 

On the right side, you find the link Start with new document. Clicking on this link opens a dialog in which you can select and upload a document (see figure 2).

Figure 2: Start reuse with new document 

After uploading the document, the page for creating a new job opens. The job is already pre-filled with the previously uploaded document and the order details of the reused job (see figure 3)

Figure 3: Create job with reused job details 

You can now modify the details (if desired) and can subsequently send this job.

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