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[v4.49] Signature qualitites

After creating the iteration, the signature quality is determined.

Legally, the signature qualities differ as follows:

  • Simple signature according to eIDAS or ZertES (SES): This is a simple electronic signature (=simple/standard) for which no special signature requirements are defined in the eIDAS or ZertES regulation. Thuse, this signature does not require a certificate from the signers. 

  • Advanced signature: This is a simple electronic signature (=simple/standard), for which no special signature requirements are defined in the eIDAS or ZertES regulation, extended by additional factors such as technical device information and biometric information of the signature. Thus, this signature does not require a certificate from the signatory.

  • Qualified signature according to eIDAS or ZertES (QES): This is a qualified electronic signature according to Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS Regulation) or according to Schweizer Bundesgesetz über Zertifizierungsdienste im Bereich der elektronischen Signatur und anderer Anwendungen digitaler Zertifikate (Bundesgesetz über die elektronische Signatur, ZertES). The QES signature is based on a qualified eIDAS certificate of the signatories.

The signature qualities (see table 1 and figure 1) in MOXIS differ:

  • regarding the iteration (internal/external) and

  • concerning the security and legal recognition of a document.

Signature quality





This signature quality can be selected if it is necessary that– regardless of the iteration – approving persons only confirm that a job can be forwarded to the respective next iteration. In this procedure, no signature is left in the document.

Example: Check if all documents have been attached correctly

Simple Signature


This form of signature quality is suitable for internal documents or written processes for which it is not necessary to be able to identify the signers beyond doubt. However, an electronic seal is attached to the document, ensuring the integrity of the document (such seals can be bought, for example A-Trust seal). Any manipulation is made visible.

Examples: Internal approval processes ("routing slips"), announcements

Advanced Signature


If there is a calculable liability risk for documents without a form requirement, this signature quality can be applied. 

The qualified electronic seal left in the document guarantees the authenticity and integrity of the document and confirms the time of the signature.

A certificate of the person signing is not required. Identification takes place through authentication via SMS-TAN or password. There is also the possibility of tracking biometric features and technical device information.

Examples: Purchase and lease agreements, contracts having a high order value

Qualified Signature


This signature quality has the highest security level and should be used for all documents that are subject to a form requirement and where there is a high liability risk. 

The QES is based on a qualified eIDAS or ZertES certificate of the person signing. In addition to guaranteeing the authenticity and integrity of the document, the QES ensures the identity of the signing person according to the highest possible legal requirements by:

  • the indication of the time and place of the signature,

  • the visualisation of the personal signature image of the person signing the document 

  • and further information.

This signature fulfils the legal requirement of a handwritten signature The person signing requires a digital identity (e.g. ID Austria) and is thus identifiable beyond doubt via the qualified certificate.

Examples: Employment contracts, official business records such as audit reports, employment agency agreements

Table1 : Description of the signature qualities

Figure 1: Signature qualities overview 

The following levels are available for the signature quality at the internal level:

  • Level 1: Approval

  • Level 2: Simple Signature

  • Level 3: Qualified Signature

The signature qualities at the external level are described in the articles [v4.49] Creating external jobs and [v4.49] Advanced signature for external contacts.

Changes to the signature quality are made by adjusting the slider element. The quality of the signature cannot be mixed within an iteration (see figure 2).

Figure 2: Select signature quality for an iteration 

If you want to change the signature quality of an iteration after you have already added recipients, a pop-up informs you that ineligible participants are removed from the iteration (see figure 3).

Figure 3: Signature quality change warning 



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