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[v4.49] Sent jobs – Serial jobs (optional)

Jobs with the serial function are saved in the folder Serial jobs in the Sent jobs menu (see figure 1)

Figure 1: Serial jobs in Sent jobs menu 

In this folder, the status of serial jobs can be tracked. A row is created for each job, with the sort order corresponding to the creation date in descending order. The overview page displays the following information (see figure 2):

  • Creation date

  • Document

  • State

    • Pending

    • Created (with X errors)

    • Pending (with X errors)

    • Closed

Figure 2: Serial jobs overview

  • Finished jobs

To check a serial job in more detail, click on the corresponding entry. The detail window shows the following information:

  • Signer

  • Last creation attempt

  • State (see table 1)

    • Pending (an attempt to create the job is pending)

    • Open (the recipient's processing of the created job is pending)

    • Failed (an error occurred while attempting to create the job)

    • Skipped manually

    • Cancelled (the person has rejected the job, there has been a timeout, the job creator has stopped the job)

    • Deleted (the job was deleted according to the deletion deadline or by the client)

  • Job number

Ideally, the state of a serial job changes as follows:






Overall status









Table 1: Ideal change of serial job state

Figure 3: Skip erroneous/Reattempt create jobs 

However, the creation attempt for erroneous jobs can be started again via the Reattempt create jobs. Erroneous jobs can also be cancelled with the Skip erroneous button (see figure 3). If necessary, these orders must be created again.

The serial jobs are saved in the serial jobs folder according to the configured deletion period.

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