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[v4.49] Sent jobs – Closed

Jobs that have reached the final status – i.e. successful, cancelled, rejected and expired jobs – can be found in the menu Closed jobs.

As a job creator, you are possibly responsible for ensuring that refused documents need to be uploaded to be signed again, or that they be transmitted to persons or further systems.

Mark the respective job to activate the download button (see figure 1).

Figure 1: Mark closed jobs for download 

As MOXIS is not designed as a document archive, closed jobs are automatically deleted after 60 days (= standard configuration). To delete a job from the system prior to expiry of this time period, either because it is no longer needed or it contains invalid data, you as the job creator have the option of deleting it by clicking on Delete request in the job list (see figure 2).

Figure 2: Delete request 

Please note that jobs that are deleted by you are no longer available for all users.

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