[v4.49] Iterations
By clicking on the button + Create iteration, the first iteration can be defined (see figure 1). An iteration here is a single step in a sequential signature process.
Figure 1: Create iteration
By entering the first contact, you decide whether the signature quality defined by the slider is an external or internal signature (see figure 2). Once the first signing person has been defined, only additional recipients of the same type (Internal/external) can be added in this iteration.
Figure 2: Internal and external iteration
If several people are entered in one iteration, they will receive the notification to sign at the same time. In practical terms, signing can be done in parallel. Only after these persons have signed will persons in any other existing iteration be invited.
Alternatively, it is also possible to configure an iteration with several people so that only one person must sign. In this case, the job is forwarded directly to persons in any further iterations as soon as one signature has been provided (see [v4.49] Selection of group contacts).
If you have created several iterations, it may be necessary to make an additional adjustment to the sequence in which a given iteration should perform its signature step (see figure 3).
Figure 3: Iterations drag & drop
Click and hold the area with the six dots
in the iteration with the left mouse button. Now drag the iteration to the desired position.
If necessary, it is also possible to delete iterations (see figure 4). Please note, however, that the X for deletion is only available in the last respective iteration that has been created, which can thus be deleted directly. Other iterations must first be moved to the last position so that they can be deleted.
Figure 4: Deleting iterations