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[v4.49] Editing entries in the address books

To edit entries, open the address book via the user menu (see figure 1). By clicking on the pencil icon, you can edit existing contacts.

Figure 1: Edit contact in address book 

When editing the contact, the language can be defined (see figure 2). Notifications are then sent in the respective language.

Figure 2: Editing a contact 

Existing contacts can also be made available in the global address book by ticking the option Save contact in global address book and confirming by clicking on Apply in the Edit contact pop-up (see figure 3). Please note that the contact is then no longer available in your personal address book.

Figure 3: Save contact in global address book

Please note that it is not possible to deactivate the option Save contact in global address book once it has been applied. If a globally shared contact is to be available again only in the personal address book, it must first be deleted and then recreated with the option Save contact in personal address book activated.

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