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[v4.49] Creating external contacts during job creation

You also have the option of creating external contacts directly when creating a job (see figure 1).

These new contacts can be saved either in the personal address book (Save contact in personal address book) or in the global address book (Save contact in global address book) by selecting the corresponding option and confirming with Apply.

By default, saving to the personal address book is activated. If neither saving option is selected, the contact data is used for the respective job but not saved.

 Figure 1: Create external contact during job creation

Depending on the process configuration, specifying the phone number is optional or mandatory. If the advanced signature is set for a process, the mobile number must be specified (marked by the asterisk * at Mobile phone number*). 

Please note that the phone number must be entered without spaces.

If you enter an e-mail address in the TO: field when creating a job and then press the Enter key, the part before the @ sign is adopted as the name (e.g. - see figure 2)

Figure 2: Enter a new external e-Mail address 

Of course, it is possible to edit the entry before saving if it is necessary (see figure 3).

The name is pre-filled by pressing the Enter key

Figure 3: Edit entry before saving

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