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What are dynamic links and where can I find them?

XignUp offers so-called dynamic links (also known as one-time links) at the start of the identification process . They enable users in XignUp to generate a digital identity using the NECT process via A-Trust (as of 06/2024). This is called xIDENTITY. In the future, further trust centers will be connected via XignUp. 

1. What defines a dynamic link? 

A dynamic link is characterized by the following parameters: 

  • You can only use it once 

  • it was created by an admin 

  • it has an expiration date of 30 days from the date of shipment

  • once the identification process has been started via the link, users have 60 minutes to complete the identification

1.1. How do I get a dynamic link? 

You will receive the dynamic links from your in-house XignUp administrator.

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