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Common sources of error when using XignUp

xIDENTITYs are usually issued quickly and with little red tape. Nevertheless, there are a few stumbling blocks that can be avoided with a little preparation or knowledge. In this article, we have collected nine cases that make it more difficult to get an xIDENTITY issued as quickly as the XignUp portal normally allows.

Case 1: The NECT and A-Trust apps have not been downloaded in advance.

We've all been there: Usually, everything works smoothly. But just when we need to download something urgently, our technical tools go on strike. We therefore recommend downloading the apps in advance, before the actual registration process. If the technology fails, you may exceed the registration time limit and registration may take longer than you would like. Instructions for downloading the apps can be found in the XignUp user manual.

Case 2: The ID document is invalid.

There are a number of documents from all over the world that can be used to issue an xIDENTITY. However, this is not an exhaustive list, as it depends on the country which ID document is valid for registration. We have therefore compiled a list of valid ID documents for registering an xIDENTITY from all over the world.

Case 3: There was a timeout during registration.

The registration window is limited to 60 minutes. However, the link itself is valid for 30 days. If a timeout occurs during registration, please contact your XignUp representative.

Case 4: The browser window was closed.

The browser window must remain open during the entire registration process. If it is closed, this also interrupts the registration and identification process. Therefore, please keep it open until the end.

Case 5: The wrong phone number was entered.

The phone number entered at the beginning must be used later for the A-Trust page

. It is therefore important to ensure that the number is correct the first time it is entered.

Please note: This only applies if you decide to activate your xIDENTITY with SMS-TAN. If you decide to carry out the activation without SMS-TAN, please follow the instructions in chapter 1.3.2 of the XignUp user manual.

Case 6: Timeout after receiving the activation code.

When activating xIDENTITY via A-Trust, you will receive an activation code via

text message. This code is only valid for 5 minutes! Please make sure to observe the time limit, otherwise a timeout will occur.

Please note: This only applies if you decide to activate your xIDENTITY with SMS-TAN. If you decide to carry out the activation without SMS-TAN, please follow the instructions in chapter 1.3.2 of the XignUp user manual.

Case 7: The general validity of the registration link has been exceeded.

The link is valid for up to 30 days before registration begins. After that, it expires. As soon as the registration or identification process is started, the time frame for the actual registration begins. The link is then only valid for another 60 minutes.

Case 8: The browser window was closed too early.

Please note that the window visible in figure 1 must be clearly visible in your browser. If you do not see this window, the registration process is not complete!


Figure 1: Information window in the browser after the certificate has been issued. The window can now be closed.

Case 9: An ‘abbreviated’ registration link is used.

For security reasons, dynamic registration links are redirected (see “Umgeleiteter Registrierungslink” in figure 2) after they have been accessed in the browser (see figure 2). This is to ensure that a link can only be used once. Please note: Identification is only possible with the ‘normal’ link (see “Normaler Registrierungslink (Beispiel):” in figure 2) from our example below.


Figure 2: Working registration link vs. already redirected registration link

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