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Release Notes MOXIS 4.51.1

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In this overview you will find all improvements, bug fixes and security updates that have been made for the 4.51.1 release. 

1. Improvements 

1.1. MOXIS

  • MOXIS is now available in all previously available languages, including the new language selection Spanish.

  • Advanced signatures for Swisscom are now available in the MOXIS user interface. For this purpose, extensions to the process configuration and the creation mask were carried out.

  • Advanced signatures based on Swisscom are now available for the MOXIS interface. 

1.2. MOXIS Guest

  • MOXIS Guest is now available in all previously available languages, including the new language selection Spanish.

  • The Advanced Signature dialog can now be selected in MOXIS Guest.

  • The Advanced Signature based on Swisscom is now available in MOXIS Guest.

  • The signing modal in MOXIS Guest has been extended by default to include the selection "ID-Austria", "xIDENTITY" and "Mobile Phone Signature".

  • To further improve GDPR compliance, the masking of phone numbers and email addresses has been introduced in MOXIS Guest in the Business Cloud variant and in the Enterprise variant. This applies to the signature visualization and the reason for signature.

  • From now on, the handler for advanced signatures for MOXIS Guest is available in the process configuration.

1.3. Usability

1.3.1. Document Management

  • From now on, you can specify whether locked documents should be unlocked via an interface and released again for signing or further processing.

  • When uploading documents, you can now choose whether you want to continue processing locked documents or not.

  • From now on (depending on the basic configuration), you can see in the job log whether a document has been unlocked or whether the user has continued to sign the original document despite it being locked.

  • When multiple documents are assigned to an order, there was previously no way to tell that there are actually multiple documents assigned to the order. From now on, the interface reports if several documents were originally added to an order.

  • Uploaded documents are now processed directly and without taking a "detour" via the PDF box.

  • Until now, it was assumed that a signature could only have one visualization. This has been changed so that documents with multiple visualizations of a PDF signature can now be uploaded.

1.3.2. Form and Signature Fields

  • If there are any form or signature fields in the document to be signed that have been assigned to you, an info window will alert you to them. You can now also access and fill in these fields directly.

1.3.3. Templates and Reports

  • The download of new guides and templates (.zip, .csv and .pdf files) for signature transactions is now possible via the menu item Evaluations in the MOXIS Administration.

  • The signature reason and the signature visualization have been extended by the information about a possibly occurring proxy in MOXIS, so that this information can be taken directly from the fields.

  • To improve the user experience, an error message is now displayed when there is a connection error with an SMS provider. If a test configuration is active, it will also be indicated accordingly.

  • From now on, it is possible to transfer names and e-mail addresses to NEMO with internal invitation emails.

1.4. Content and Content Upgrades 

  • The text for e-mail notifications has been prepared and adapted to be more understandable.

  • A text correction has been made to the CSRD report template.

  • To avoid unnecessary error messages, it will now be indicated if a name in the address book contains a space or is less than the minimum character length.

  • When creating a new signer, the minimum character length of one character must be adhered to and the character must be one letter.

  • The text in the order log for the Advanced Signature has been adjusted. This is now visible as "Personal Advanced Signature" in the order log.

  • The English translation when entering the name of the personal placeholder has been corrected.

  • The password entry process for external signers has been supplemented with previously missing translations. These have now been submitted.

2. Bug fixes

  • When starting MOXIS, there was previously an error message if the passphrase used to encrypt the documents contained special characters (äöü€μ...). The bug has been fixed by offering the system an alternative charset.

  • The error when attaching several signature sheets in one order has been fixed.

  • The error when attaching several signature sheets in one order has been fixed.

  • Nemo with email branding now works smoothly with existing installations.

  • An error previously occurred when sending collective emails (bounce management). This has now been fixed.

  • When collecting log data, drafts have so far been left out. This misconduct has now been corrected.

  • When clicking on the viewer folder, there was an error message. This has been corrected. Opening the folder is now possible again without any problems.

  • Previously, if you clicked on the [Show Reserved Orders] button in the folder to display only the reserved orders, this did not have the desired effect. Instead, all orders were displayed. This misconduct has been rectified. From now on, you will only see the reserved orders as desired.

  • The error message that appeared in getDocuments when several documents were to be downloaded has been corrected.

  • After the visualization mode has ended, the mouse cursor in MOXIS Guest will now be turned into a crosshair again.

  • When evaluating "logged in users", scrolling is now possible again.

  • Previously, when creating an external visualization in MOXIS Guest, you received the message that it had been saved. However, it was not reported. This error has been corrected and the visualization is visible after saving.

  • When updating a draft in MOXIS Guest, an error message occurred. This error has been fixed. From now on, drafts can be updated in the user interface.

  • Address books can now be deleted in the user interface again.

  • When a signature image is uploaded again in the default signature profile, the profile is incorrectly reset to the default. This error is now fixed and the profile is saved correctly.

  • Filenames with Unicode characters no longer cause errors in MOXIS Guest.

  • With MOXIS Guest 4.50, it is possible to display a PDF preview of the order in the A-Trust app.

  • The template files for evaluations that were mistakenly deleted are now available again.

  • Orders via the autenti platform will now be forwarded correctly again after completion.

  • Previously, it was not possible to download the CSRD report if no branding was configured. This error has been fixed. In addition, the formula for kilowatt hours has been added to the table.

  • Fixed resetting the lock timer to 0 after half an hour without interaction.

  • Since it previously led to problems with sending emails, the comma in the "Reply To" field has been deleted. It is therefore no longer possible to enter "last name, title", which previously led to incorrect sending of e-mails when sending in the background.

  • From now on, the import of address book entries with unwanted spaces in the name is no longer feasible. This has so far led to error messages.

  • After deselecting a signature handler in the process configuration, the entry is now deleted.

  • Previously, placeholders showed an incorrect size under certain conditions. If the last document is now deleted from the order page, the size of the placeholder will be set to its original size.

  • After timeouts, the landing page is displayed correctly again.

  • MOXIS now correctly adopts the colors for tenants.

  • MOXIS now correctly transfers tenants to NEMO again.

  • CleanUpCronjob now reliably deletes old documents from the filing cabinets.

  • The formatting of the timestamp resolver has been corrected. From now on, only the date without the time will be displayed.

  • The behavior during session timeout with Keycloack has been improved.

  • The handling of user deletion by Inactive Heuristic during user sync has been improved.

  • The bug caused by the Flyway migration of user data has been fixed.

3. Security and performance updates

  • The performance of the FES handling has been improved.

  • Thymeleaf has been upgraded to the latest version to ensure and improve the security of the system.

  • Preparatory measures have been taken to increase the performance in MOXIS Guest with tenant branding queries in MOXIS. The loading time is to be reduced to increase user-friendliness.

  • The performance of the docking side has been made more efficient to increase ease of use.

  • Error handling has been improved for both Keycloak login and logout to improve the user experience.

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