Release Notes MOXIS 4.49.9
Table of Contents
In this overview you will find all improvements, bug fixes and security updates that have been made for the 4.49.9 release.
1.1. Usability
Scrolling when viewing collective orders in the Safari browser was previously not possible. From now on, this is no longer a problem.
1.2. MOXIS Guest
From now on, clients will be informed if the email address of external signatories is missing.
When uploading a signature image again in the default signature profile, the profile was incorrectly reset to the default. This error has been fixed.
Entering a comma in the "replyto" field triggered an error when creating an order. This error has been fixed.
1.3. Document Management
From now on, CleanUpCronjob reliably deletes old documents from the filing cabinets.
2. Bug fixes
Placeholders of multiple visualizations with long names are now displayed correctly.
The display of umlauts in .csv reports is now displayed correctly.
Previously, Chinese characters caused an error when rendering the job log. This has now been fixed.
Filling in form fields with currency symbols caused an error in some documents. This has been fixed and handling is possible again smoothly.
The query of tenant branding for MOXIS Guest has been optimized in MOXIS.
When uploading a signature image again in the default signature profile, the profile was incorrectly reset to the default. This error has now been fixed.
The processes in Office2MOXIS are now displayed in alphabetical order.
The option to enter a comma in the name field at replyto has been deleted in order to avoid errors when sending e-mails in the future.
Scrolling when viewing collective orders in the Safari browser was previously not possible. From now on, this is no longer a problem.