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[Business & Now Cloud] Managing the personal address book

In the personal address book, users can individually save and manage the data of frequently used external recipients (Name, e-mail, mobile phone number, language for notifications).

In the personal address book, it is possible to download or upload contacts via a CSV file (Download personal entries/Upload personal entries).

The language and telephone number of a contact in MOXIS are updated if the username and e-mail address in the CSV file match the data in the system.

Please note, however, that a new contact will be created if the data for the name or e-mail address in the CSV file differs from that in the system. This also happens if there was no e-mail address for the original contact.

 Changes to entries in the private address book do not affect the data in the global address book. If two entries in the personal and global address books are identical regarding name and e-mail address, only the entry in the personal address book is always displayed for selection when creating a job.

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