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[Business & Now Cloud] Group placeholders - Single placeholders

In this variant of the group placeholder, only one person from a group is invited (see figure 1).

In the Placeholder role field, enter the group from which people can be invited. The placeholder text is any description that uniquely describes the placeholder so that you can see the group on whose behalf the document is being signed immediately.

Figure 1: Generating single placeholders

If a document with such a placeholder is uploaded to MOXIS, the recipient role corresponds to the selected group (in our example in figure 2 the group moxisUser). From this group, only one recipient can be invited by selecting the person in the address book. This opens by clicking on the image-20241113-164947.png icon. People who are not members of this group are not displayed and cannot be selected. Once a person has been picked, no further selection is possible.

Figure 2: Selecting a user for a single placeholder

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