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[Business & Now Cloud] The dashboard

The dashboard is the entry point in MOXIS (see figure 1). It provides you with an overview of all jobs created, managed, or to be signed by you. The dashboard view depends on the assigned role.

Figure 1: The dashboard

  1. If you are assigned the right to sign documents (sign and/or approve), the respective tiles are displayed in the Received jobs area according to your role.

  2. If you are allowed to create jobs, the corresponding tiles are displayed in the area Sent jobs.

  3. Drafts and templates are managed in the Quick Links area.

When you open your MOXIS account for the first time, you must confirm that you have read the service message regarding approvals (see figure 2).

Figure 2: Service message regarding approvals

You will also be informed that you need to complete your profile to be able to use MOXIS to its full extent (see figure 3).

Figure 3: Complete your profile

The Complete now button (see figure 3) will take you directly to the account settings. If you want to do this later, click the Complete later button. As long as you have not completed your profile in the Signature type menu, you will see this pop-up after logging in.

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