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[Business & Now Cloud] Working with drafts

When creating a job, it is possible to store even an incomplete job, e.g. if you do not have all necessary information for it yet or if you want to complete and send it later.

As soon as you have uploaded a document, the button Save as draft becomes active and the job can be saved as a draft (see figure 1).

Figure 1: Save draft

If you have not checked Create another jobyou will be automatically redirected to the drafts folder.

Figure 2: Apply draft

In the draft folder, you can access the detail view as usual, where you can check and view the entries.

By clicking on Apply draft (see figure 2), the create job page opens again and you can complete the job as usual. The draft remains in the draft folder until it is sent. If you would like to delete the draft, you can delete it by clicking Dismiss draft.

If you want to customise your draft, also go to the job creation page by clicking on Apply draft. There you make the appropriate changes and then click on Update draft (see figure 3).

Figure 3: Update draft

If you click on Home, Jobsor one of the options in the drop-down menu in the user menu during the creation of a job, a pop-up informs you that there are unsaved changes (see figure 4). If you click on the Stay on page button, you can continue processing the job. With Update draft the job will be saved under drafts, but afterwards you will be redirected to the overview page. If you want to discard the design, select the option Leave page.

Figure 4: Notification concerning unsaved changes

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