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[Business & Now Cloud] A-Trust signature process

As soon as the Sign button in MOXIS has been clicked, a pop-up opens in which the connection with the A-Trust trust centre is established to apply the signature to the documents. 

The prerequisite for this is that you have already registered for ID Austria with full function or basic function, the mobile phone signature or xIDENTITY. If this is not the case, you cannot carry out the signing process.

If you use ID Austria with full function, you must enter your ID Austria username in the login screen. 

The identification via telephone number is done for:

  • ID Austria with basic function

  • Mobile phone signature


If you have already saved this data in your signature type menu, this field is pre-filled for the signature process (see figure 1).

Figure 1: Connection with A-Trust

The signature is executed depending on the functionalities of the mobile phone:

  • by clicking on TAN via SMS and entering the received 6-digit TAN (see figure 2)

Figure 2: Execute signature with TAN

  • when using the mobile signature app from A-Trust via fingerprint, Face ID or scan of the QR code (see figure 3)

Figure 3: Execute signature with fingerprint

Signed jobs are stored in Closed folder.

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