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[ADMIN FAQ] How do I enable the signature for external signatories with SMS-TAN or password?

If an external signatory should only be able to open an order after entering an SMS TAN or a password, this must be activated in the process configuration.

Step 1: Step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Please open the process management (see figure 1 [1]) in the administration interface and select the process you want to configure (see figure 1 [2]). Now open the Common-tab (see figure 1 [3]) and tick the Authentication required option (see figure 1 [4]).


Figure 1: Authentication required

Step 2: By ticking the box, a drop-down menu opens in which the option SMS-TAN or Password mandatory must be selected. Click on the Save button to save the settings.


With this process configuration, it should be noted that external contacts for whom a telephone number has been stored in the address book are sent an SMS TAN. These contacts are displayed with a user icon in front of their name when the order is created. Contacts without a stored telephone number, on the other hand, receive a password to open the order. The call sign in front of the name makes these contacts recognisable when creating an order. The automatically generated password can be viewed and edited before the order is sent.

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