[ADMIN FAQ] What transaction statuses (transactionState) are there in MOXIS?
The problem:
It may happen that a user swears he signed a job. However, the job does not appear as ‘Completed’ in the database under the transactionState column. But there is no error recorded either.
The solution:
If a user has tried to sign a document and then closes the browser window during the signing process or otherwise does not properly complete the signing process, it may happen that the job is marked as ‘Billed’ but not as ‘Completed’ in the database.
To successfully complete orders marked this way, the signer would have to sign the documents correctly again and thus, complete the process.
Please note: If you have access to the database as an administrator depends on the product you are using, the basic configuration and your rights in your role. If you do not have any access, please contact XiTrust Support.
What transaction states are there in the MOXIS database?
The transactionState column in the MOXIS database is particularly relevant for analysing the above-mentioned issues. This column has three possible state values, which have the following meanings:
The user has opened the signature dialogue.BILLED:
The user has successfully authenticated himself. If a process gets stuck in this state, it may indicate an operational issue.COMPLETE:
The user has confirmed two-factor authentication (2FA), returned to the application and successfully embedded the signature in the PDF. In other words, the signing process has been completed successfully.