[ADMIN FAQ] NEMO (optional): What are optional fields and how do they work?
NEMO, the MOXIS mail editor, has a series of templates that can be customised to suit your needs. There are also optional fields that can be used to enhance the content of the e-mail templates. This article explains what optional fields are and how they work.
If you wish to change the configuration of optional fields in NEMO, please contact our support team. We will be happy to help.
1. Optional fields in MOXIS
1.1. How do optional fields work in MOXIS?
Optional fields in MOXIS are automatically added to a correspondingly configured mail template in MOXIS as soon as the corresponding block in MOXIS is filled. The prerequisite for this is that the e-mail template has been prepared accordingly. Please note: To customise a template to your needs, please contact one of our support staff.
1.2 What optional fields are currently available in MOXIS NEMO?
1.2.1 Table with repeating data in the ‘Delivery_Failed’ template
In the case of this template, all fields contained in MOXIS are transferred to the table (see figure 1) and the mail is sent. If, for example, the ‘Type’ element is not filled in, it will be omitted from the mail.
Optional fields in this case are:
Job number (only in the case of an undeliverable e-mail)
Recipient (only in the case of an undeliverable e-mail)
Sent date (only in the case of an undeliverable e-mail)
Type (only in the case of an undeliverable e-mail)

Figure 1: Template Delivery Failed - overview
1.2.2 Optional block in the ‘Task_To_Process_QSig’ template
In the case of this template, a block is adopted (see figure 2) provided that it is filled in MOXIS and sent in the email.
In this case, the optional field is:
The ‘Job Owner Name’ field is only displayed if the job owner name has been filled in MOXIS.

Figure 2: Template Task To Process QSig - overview
1.2.3 Optional block in the template ‘Process_Terminated_For_Admin_QSig_Denied’
In the case of this template, a block is adopted (see figure 3) provided it is filled in MOXIS and sent as part of the email.
In this case, the following is an optional field:
Reason for rejection
The ‘rejection comment’ field is only displayed if the rejection comment has been filled in MOXIS.

Figure 3: Template Reason For Rejection - overview
*This also applies to all other templates that contain information on rejected signatures.
1.2.4. Optional block in the ‘License_Warning’ template*
In the case of this template, a block is adopted (see figure 4) if it is filled in MOXIS and sent as part of the email.
Optional fields in this case are:
Simultaneous user warning
All date-relevant fields are only displayed if the corresponding fields have been entered in MOXIS.

Figure 4: Template Licence Warning - overview
*For the sake of completeness, this template is still listed here, but it is considered obsolete and is being phased out.
1.2.5. Table blocks in the ‘Open_Orders’ template
In the case of this template, blocks are adopted (see figure 5) provided they are filled in MOXIS and sent as part of the email.
Optional fields in this case are:
Various table blocks
All job-specific information in the tables is only filled in if the corresponding fields have been completed in MOXIS.
So, if there are no open jobs in the representative folders, these two tables are not displayed.

Figure 5: Template Open Orders - overview