[v4.50] Setting up the signature type Swisscom
The username or phone number for the signature type Swisscom can be saved in the MOXIS settings under Signature type > Swisscom (see figure 1 [1]).
The advantage of saving your telephone number is that this data is already filled in on the Swisscom login screen during the signing process. However, this field cannot be changed manually during the signing process. If the username is not saved, you will have to enter all login data by hand.
1. Set up Swisscom signature type in MOXIS 4.50
You can use the drop-down menu to specify your preferred trust centre (see figure 1 [2]). The configuration of the signature types for the qualified signature is done below (see figure 1 [3]). To save your data, please enter your phone number (see figure 1 [4]).
After entering the data, it is necessary to check the data. Therefore, please click on the [Verify and Save]-button. If the data is correct, the entry will change from Not verified to Verified. Finally, you can specify the jurisdiction for which the Swisscom signature is used (EU/Switzerland). To do this, simply tick the corresponding box for ZertES (Switzerland), eIDAS (EU) or both (see figure 1 [7]).

Figure 1: Setting up the Swisscom Sinature type