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[v4.50] Set up a signature type

If you have created a digital identity via A-Trust, D-Trust or Swisscom, then you have to enter your login data every time you execute a signature. To reduce this effort, MOXIS allows you to define a signature type in advance.

In the Signature type menu, you can select your desired trust centre (signature provider - see figure 1). If several signature types are active, you can specify which provider should be used by default for the signature. There is a separate tab for each provider. Currently (as of 01/2025), the following providers can be registered:

  • A-Trust (ID Austria)

  • D-Trust (sign-me) 

  • Swisscom 

Please note: The preferred trust centre is only used if the process configuration of the order supports the respective signature type.


Figure 1: Select a preferred trust center (signature type) in MOXIS 4.50

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