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[v4.50] Create, sign and verify multiple visualisations (optional)


MOXIS enables users to attach several identical signature images to a document thanks to a defined process. This article shows how to attach these so-called multiple visualisations, sign a corresponding document and verify it.

1. Basic procedure for multiple visualisations

In principle, you proceed in the same way when creating a document with multiple visualisations as when creating a regular job. You upload the corresponding document, define the iteration levels and place the placeholders.

The signing person signs by executing the signing process once. Additional cryptographic procedures take place in the background based on a stored company seal.

1.1 Details for creating an order with multiple visualisations

As already mentioned, the first step in creating a multiple visualisation is to create a job (e.g. based on a standard process). However, instead of one placeholder, several are added to the document by repeatedly dragging the same placeholder onto the document. In our example, there are three placeholders for two persons signatures (see figure 1 [2]). After you have placed the desired number of placeholders, you will see the number of placeholders per iteration level in the right-hand side menu (see figure 1 [1]). The job creation mask remains open in the left-hand side menu and you can send the job to the signatories.


Figure 1: Multiple visualisations in MOIXS

1.2 Signing a document with multiple visualisations

The person who is to sign the document ‘multiple times’ signs it as usual. This is because the recipient only has to carry out the signing process once, even if there are several visualisations and signatures on the document.

2. View of multiple visualisations in Adobe Acrobat Reader

After signing the document, the validity of the document is displayed in Adobe Reader. In this case, the personal qualified signature is the last signature to be added (see figure 2). Additional cryptographic processes based on a stored company seal take place in the background for the visualisations added before this.

This additional cryptographic process, which is applied to the signature images, is necessary to preserve the legal validity of the mobile phone signature once it has been applied. The signatory only has to sign once with their mobile phone signature. The cryptographic process is always applied to the entire document.


Figure 2: View of multiple visualisations in Adobe Acrobat Reader

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