[v4.50] Recipients
In MOXIS, we distinguish between internal and external recipients (also: contacts) and individual recipients and groups. This article introduces you to the topic. It also provides an overview of how to add recipients to orders.
1. What types of recipients are there?
There are four different types of recipients:
Internal recipients:
This refers to all internal employees of an entity. This includes, for example, employees of a company.
‘Myself’ as recipient:
The [Add Myself]-button is a special feature among internal recipients. This is because you yourself are also one of the possible internal recipients.
External recipients:
External recipients include (to stick with the example of the company) suppliers, tax advisors or other affiliated companies and their employees.
A group is a group of equivalent recipients. For example, this could be several managing directors or all employees of the finance department. Groups are helpful if you need to add a group of recipients repeatedly, as you save yourself the step of selecting the members of the group individually each time.
Please note that ONLY internal or external contacts can be added at a specific iteration level or signature quality. In addition, you can either define groups OR individuals as recipients at a iteration level.
1.1. How do you add yourself to a job?
Clicking on the [Add me]-button in MOXIS (see Figure 1) allows you to add yourself to the first decision level of a job. This opens automatically. You can then continue to execute the job as usual and as described here.

Figure 1: The [Add me]-button allows you to add yourself as a recipient for an order.
1.2. How do you add recipients and groups via the address book?
This step-by-step guide will help you to add recipients or groups via the address book in MOXIS when creating a new request.
Step 1: To add recipients or groups via the address book, please click on the [TO:]-button in the decision level (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: Adding recipients or groups by clicking on the [TO:]-button
Step 2: The address book now opens. Here you have various options for adding (internal or external) recipients or groups. Figure 3 shows you the address book in its maximum form. How much of it you see as a user depends on your MOXIS configuration and whether you have access to private or global contacts. You can find more information here.
The address book offers you five different ways to search for recipients (contacts):
Filter options: Filter existing contacts according to their main distinguishing feature by selecting between the buttons [ALL], [INTERNAL], [GROUPS], [EXTERNAL] or [EXT. GROUPS].
External groups are only stored in the global address book. There they can only be displayed and selected using the series function (optional). For more information on external groups, please contact your XiTrust representative.
Search function: Thanks to this function, you can search for the name or email address of the recipient or group. To do this, enter at least the first three letters. MOXIS automatically suggests existing entries. Please note that only one group can be selected per iteration level.
[Add contact] button: Here you can create an external contact. This will be automatically added to your order. Please note: If you select any other button except [EXTERNAL], the [Add contact]-button will be greyed out.
In contrast to external contacts, internal contacts must be stored as users in the administration level.
You can use the checkboxes to add more than one recipient at a time. Simply tick the box in front of the recipients you want to add and click the [Save]-button. Please note that you can either add external or internal recipients. It is not possible to mix them.
[Save]-button: Click this button to apply all settings.
Figure 3: Adress book
1.3. How do you add recipients and groups using the search function?
Please note: Depending on the configuration, you can search for recipients by first name, last name or email address. Groups can be searched by group name. Registered MOXIS users and external signatories (optional) can also be added as recipients. It is also possible to specify internal and external groups (optional) as recipients.
To add a recipient or group using the search function, click in the search field under the [TO:]-button and enter at least three letters of the name or group name (see figure 4).

Figure 4: Search for a recipient using the order entry mask in MOXIS