[v4.50] Jobs with locked documents
When you receive a document that has been signed using another provider's signature solution, it may be that a block has been placed on it. This article shows you the best way to work with such documents.
1. What can I do if my job contains a blocked document?
If MOXIS detects a blocked document, the programme will notify you by means of a pop-up (see figure 1). This is to prevent the countersignature of such a document from rendering the signature invalid. You now have two options:
(1) Discard the document (see figure 1 [1]):
This option removes the document. Inform the signatory about this and ask for the document to be made available again without blocking.
(2) Remove block (see figure 1 [2]):
The block is removed and you can sign the uploaded document without restriction. The blocked original document or a summary can be attached.
Digital signatures from other providers that were already attached to the document before uploading to MOXIS are recognised and do not lose their validity.

Figure 1: Note on a blocked document in MOXIS